Global Parent

We make sure more of the world’s children are fed, vaccinated, educated and protected than any other organisation.

UNICEF gets things done and we never give up - but we need your regular donations to keep fighting the good fight. As the world’s largest children’s charity, we work with families, communities and governments in over 190 countries. Because we’re part of the United Nations, we don’t just just tackle the symptoms – we also try to holistically solve the root causes of problems directly affecting children.

Monthly donations allow UNICEF to invest in long-term development that support the world’s most vulnerable children and their communities - meaning the difference between a life of poverty and one of opportunity. That’s why we get up each and every day.

Help us achieve our mission by regularly donating and ensure every child has the essentials:

  • food
  • clean water
  • medicine
  • education
  • warm clothing

To support displaced families in war-torn Afghanistan with ongoing clean water, UNICEF built a specially designed solar-powered pumping system in the settlement of Kochi Abad, Kabul – supplying nearly 300 families – around 2,000 individuals with a 20,000 litre capacity water reservoir.

For the sustainability of the project, UNICEF guided the local community to form a committee to manage and maintain the water system. This includes them contributing funds towards the installation of household connections with meters. A sustainable approach where the community takes ownership and maintenance of their own water facilities.

Why make a monthly donation?

To move from emergency response to investing, implementing, maintaining, and scaling-up sustainable, innovative solutions requires a steady pool of donations.

For over 75 years we’ve worked to deliver long-term aid that creates lasting change for children as well as addressing their immediate needs. Your regular donations to UNICEF enable us to more effectively plan and invest in long-term work that can make a lasting impact and build a better tomorrow for kids everywhere.

Key results achieved in 2021 by UNICEF (Source: 2021 Annual report):

  • HEALTH - 22.4 million children and women receiving essential health care services in UNICEF supported facilities.
  • NUTRITION - 2.4 million children with severe acute malnutrition admitted for treatment.
  • WASH - 34 million people accessing a sufficient quantity of safe water for drinking, cooking, and personal hygiene.
  • EDUCATION - 110.7 million children accessing formal or non-formal education, including early learning.
  • CHILD PROTECTION - 5 million children and caregivers accessing mental health and psychosocial support.

UNICEF’s goals for 2022 (Source: 2021 Annual report):

  • HEALTH - 62.1 million children immunised against measles.
  • NUTRITION - 7.2 million children treated for severe acute malnutrition.
  • WASH - 53.4 million people have access to enough safe water for drinking and domestic needs.
  • EDUCATION - 77.1 million children have access to formal or non-formal education, including early learning.
  • CHILD PROTECTION - 27.9 million children and caregivers have access to mental health and psychosocial support.

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