Ukraine Emergency

Ukraine Emergency

More than 500 days ago the lives of kids in Ukraine changed forever. They continue to need our help.

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For every child, a childhood

Across 190 countries and territories, UNICEF defends the rights of children and young people.

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Ukraine Emergency

500 days of war for kids in Ukraine

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Help children all around the world survive and thrive, no matter where they are. When you set up a regular donation, you become part of our long-term commitment to keeping the world’s most vulnerable children safe.

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Girl photo
Girl photo
Girl photo
Children photo

With your very own fundraising page and team pages, you can collect donations online. It's so easy, it only takes two minutes to set up.

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Countries/Territories where your donations help children


Saving Lives, Building Futures

The UNICEF Aotearoa New Zealand 2020 Annual Report highlights the impact for children we were able to achieve thanks to our donors, partners and supporters. The report includes details on our programmes in the Pacific, support for international emergencies, and domestic advocacy. It also details how donations have been spent and provides the financial statements for 2020.

Annual Report 2020